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Pulled out on I-70 to Rifle (what a great name for a Colorado town), taking Hwy13 north.

I decided to stay on Hwy13 through Meeker, Hamilton, Craig, and into Baggs, WY.

Between Craig and Baggs I passed this old mine shaft. This picture doesn't quite get the point across because you can't see the rest of the mountain, but the shaft leading straight into the base of the mountain really caught my attention. I imagined it with workers going in and out, each with aspiration much like ours, a better life for themselves and their children. There's something sad about dead buildings and factories, and aspirations.
Five minutes later I round a corner and see a pasture with several horses, one with a new colt

Took I-80 down to Rock Springs and then Hwy191N to US189 at Hoback Junction. Twelve miles further north and I'm in Jackson (Hole) where a postage stamp room on the third floor (no elevator) goes for $178 night. But, it has a bed, an internet connection, and, thank God, a great shower. And, I guess, some sort of expensive ambiance. At least I think that's what you call it when your shampoo smells like apple cores.
I only have about 90 miles to go to get to Rexburg to Meet Bob and Zelda tomorrow so I'm going to laze around Jackson for awhile. I'll probably go out to the Snake (river) and watch the river-runners. One never knows what's going to happen down there. Last year Bobby J and I and a couple of his Harley boys stood on the side of the river encouraging the young ladies in the rafts. As I recall, we enacted several new Man Laws while there. I'll have to review those and let you know the status.
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