We headed out US20N toward Ashton then took Hwy47 through Marysville and Warm River. First stop, Mesa Falls on the North (Henry's) Fork of the Snake.

Bobby J and Zelda at Mesa Falls

These are the headwaters of the great Snake River.

Fat guy obscuring view of beautiful waterfall.

The source of all that water is a short distance down the road: Big Springs. Clearest water I think I've ever seen, and with a nice population of trout, both Rainbow and Cutthroat. And they aren't small either. This guy was at least 24 inches.

Another denizen of the Springs
Left Big Springs and rode into Island Park. I think Bob knows everyone west of the Missouri including fishing guides on Henry's Fork, the Madison, the Firehole, you-name-it. In Island Park we ran into Mary, who went to elementary school with Bob. Her husband, Tom, also a fellow classmate, is a retired teacher who guides in the area. According to Mary he's got a group up on the Madison today and they were on fish there yesterday.
Pulled into West Yellowstone about 3:30 p.m., got rooms and went exploring. Lots of touristy things, but also a couple of pretty good art galleries and a bunch of fly fishing shops.
We're making it an early evening because tomorrow we ride the BEARTOOTH! And, of course, meet up with the Hole in the Head Gang in Red Lodge for some serious beer drinking and pickin' and grinnin'. I'm ready for that!!
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